
Hilary writes in both English and French. (click on these links for full descriptions of the books, some reviews and how to order books)

A World War I and World War II history buff, she is the author of the paperback and e-book "French War Brides : Mademoiselle & the American Soldier" published by Paris Writers Group and available on Amazon. An earlier version of this book was first published in French as "Des Amours de GIs: les petites fiancées du Débarquement" by Editions Tallandier and later in English as "French War Brides in America: an Oral History" by Praeger Publications.

She is also the author of the paperback and e-book "WWII Voices: American GI's and the French Women Who Married Them", also available on Amazon. Two earlier editions of this book in English were entitled "Veteran Recall" . The title of the French version of "Veteral Recall", published by Editions Heimdal, is "Souvenirs de Vetérans"